Saturday, January 9, 2010

Da,da-da, dum. Da, da-da, dum...

"...merry, merry, christmas!" "Christmas is here..."
Two days before Christmas Dom and I ventured to Kansas City and saw the Trans Siberian Orchastra. It was a sold out show and let me tell you...there were a TON of people there!
We had seats on the floor (which we decided next time it wasn't worth the extra couple dollars cause everyone one the floor is at the same level so ....if your' short like me then its not that cool!) We were cozily sandwhiched between some folks in our row - the seats on the floor were veery close together and seamed smaller than your normal sized floding chair. lol Anyway, the show beagn and we were awed (well I wasn't so much but everyone else seemed to be) with lights and long haired musicians (yes, guys and girls with very long hair)! They are known for thier light show - I wasn't too into crazy laser lights but it was an interesting spin on Personally, I thought they went a little over board with the lights but thats just my opinion! I wasn't so keen on the constant hair flipping (by both guys and girls) while playing but again just a little off the scale for me... They music was good, for the most part - definitely A LOT heavier in person than I have heard on the cd or radio. Thier new album I guess they are putting out is called Night Castle (this is only their second album, yes they have been popular off thier one cd for the past 15 years...!) and they gave us a sampling of it and thats kinda when I was like, ok when is this going to be over....they had a stage full of flames that were sycronized to the music, but its just....not my style. Not sure if any of you have heard them or even like them but I thought I did and they still do have a couple songs on the cd that are nice but I would not be one of those people that go and see them every year. I saw them once and would not care to see them again. I know Dom enjoyed the lights and he enjoyed them but in the end, its just not quiet my cup of tea. (but I am glad I saw them because now I have wanted to see them in the past when they had come to Syracuse and whatnot - now I know)
Here's Dom and I at the show...He took a picture even though they were very admint about taking pictures. (some people werent even allowed in with thier cameras ...thankfully the security guard that checked our pockets just said don't take them out...bad Dominic... it was only one ;) )

1 comment:

  1. Wheee-whooo! Lookin' good babes! I laughed about the hair-flippin' dudes...

    Give me a nice, short, manly cut and I'll be happy. :)

    Ok, well, not ME... you get it. :)




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