Thursday, January 7, 2010

Joyful Spirits, Baking Goodness!

Dom & I made a list of four items to bake this Christmas season. He chose Toffee & Chocolate Covered Pretzel Sticks - I chose Peanut Butter Balls & Sugar Cookies. One night we decided to have our friends over for dinner and then we made the sugar cookies with them (a kid-friendly activity). We had some other friends stop over as well which made it all the more merrier! We rolled out the dough and cut all the shapes. Then we baked them and made three bowls of colored frosting. Once the cookies were cooled we frosted and sprinkled them and made them all different! It was lots of fun and the cookies were soooo yummy! Everyone took part in the fun in some way or another - even if it was just taste-testing! :)

Byron, helping me roll out some dough

Melissa & Izzy making some fun shapes

Tammy & Timmy cutting out some shapes

Some of the adults finishing the decorating after the kids had enough...they decided to watch Tom & Jerry cartoons and laugh hysterically in the find things funny so easily!

Some of the finished COOKIES!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Those look GREAT! And how cool that the litte tykes helped out on those! Cue Dean-O... "Memorieees are made of thisss..."




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